How can you manage your classroom

Classroom Management

The main problem of many teachers  is how to manage their classroom.It is very difficult to manage a classroom since each students are different they h ave different attitudes and interest towards learning a subject. Classroom management refers to the way in which teacher controls and maintains the students behaviour and learning process in the classroom.

In the classroom you would come across many students who are very vibrant and energetic and some of them who are very silent in class  and never interacts with the class. when teachers enters to the class they might have decided what to do in the class but because of student's disturbance and doubts the teacher's may not be able to execute whatever planned to do in that class.

Students inside the classroom they are not only learning certain concepts but they are learning discipline manners and they are also improving their thinking and creative skills this depends upon the teachers attitude and action in the class. Learning environment creates a great difference in learning it includes physical, social or emotional environment within the classroom.
Teacher should take care of their physical environment of the class such as desk arrangement,proper lightning facility,temperature, noise from outside the classroom,appropriate charts should be there inside the classroom.Students interact more if the desk arranged in a cluster way and made them in to groups. 

The following are certain techniques for classroom arrangement

1. Establish certain rules that student should follow daily in the classroom such as no chewing  gum,take permission to go out from the class, students should respect each other no fights inside the class.
2. Establish consequences for breaking the rules such as seating arrangement of the student will be changed.
3. Encourage all students to give opinion to the discussions in the classroom.
4.The right seating arrangement helps you to control the behaviour of the student and let student choose their seating arrangement.
5. eye contact is very necessary to make student attentive.
6. Appreciate every student for their hard work  and this encourages student to do the assigned work.
7. Make a good lesson plan with clear objectives with some kind of unique activity,game and creative teaching makes the student more interesting.
8. Don't be to argumentative to the students that will creative a war environment in the class and the student or teacher might hate each other.
9. If you have done any mistakes in the classroom  apologize to the class.
10. Make sure that all students in the class were given equal opportunity for selection for any activity.


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